Virtual Paintings.2
Water color on paper, 2018-ongoing
In 1996 I created a series of traditional oil paintings referencing media portrayals of people utilizing the first wave of virtual reality technologies. In 2018 I started a new series of smaller watercolor studies of people in the second wave of VR – most of the photographic reference for this ongoing body of work were taken by me at various VR festivals, events, university labs and such. I remain fascinated by our eager embrace and adaptation to current interface technologies – VR remains very awkward, expensive and ungainly to use. These paintings translate a digital moment into an analog artifact of this moment in time.
I’ve been colorblind my entire life. I was partially inspired to take on this new series of paintings due to the acquisition of color blind correcting glasses in 2017 – painting was always a challenge – these new glasses have literally opened up the world to me and have become, in a way, the mechanism towards connecting me to a new reality of color (wearing a different kind of headset if you will – my glasses)…

"Group at Festival", Future of Storytelling Festival, NY, 2018

"John and Yoko in Bed", Future of Storytelling, NY, 2018

"Guy with Monitor", Future of Storytelling Festival, NY, 2018

"ISEA Dubai Guy", 2020

"VR Lab Amherst College Boston", 2021

"Self-Portrait MASS MoCA", 2018

"Sarah Unit 3 Vision Building, Dundee", 2018

"Double Date", Future of Storytelling, NY, 2018

"Ellie in London", Siobhan Davies Dance Studio, 2019