Memorials have been a long time point of interest - I came came of age in art school in the 1980’s - I remember vividly the controversies surrounding Maya Lin’s Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, DC. The works I’ve created here are informed by a sense of taking personal agency in regard to memorialization of the dead from the Iraq conflicts to our drone wars and American gun violence - all are informed by the philosophies surrounding what scholar James E. Young termed as “counter monuments”, memorials which critically raise important questions regarding culpability, agency, memory, forgetting and questioning the very meaning of what and who are memorials for? Who is remembered? Who is forgotten? Through these works I hope to engage viewers and participants to actively confront our legacies of violence in the immediate. The works explore methodologies for expanding thinking and practice surrounding the role of the contemporary artist by looking at the context of creative activism in the digital age and the attendant complexities surrounding remembrance and memorialization.
Opposite: “The Atone Project: Remembering the Ahmadis”, excerpt from the book INCITE: Digital Art and Activism, Peacock Studios.
"The Atone Project: Remembering the Ahmadi's", 2021. The names of the 10 members of the Ahmadi family, killed by drone strike in Kabul in August of 2021, are memorialised by making rubbings of their first names at the WTC Memorial Site, NYC.

"1,000 Drones Project: A Participatory Memorial", 2014 & 2017. Volunteers cut out 1,000 paper drones, writing the names of civilian drone casualties, one per drone.

"Thoughts and Prayers", 2022, names of mass shooting victims written by museum visitors upon the surface of a 13' long AR15 at SUMA Utah. Collaborator Pete Froslie.

"Elegy: GTA USA Gun Homicides", 2018-19. Online live streaming video game based data visualization of US gun homicides.

"Thoughts and Prayers", 2019. First version of 13 foot long cardboard sculpture of an AR15 semi-automatic assault rifle. Collaborator Pete Froslie.

"Jasmine: Drone Memorial", 2018. 360 Jasmine plants in ceramic pots form the shape of a full-sized Predator drone on the roof-top of Studio Seven, Karachi. Jasmine is the national flower of Pakistan. At the end of the exhibition, the plants were gifted to gallery visitors.

The Drone Project: A Participatory Memorial, 2014. Made onsite at CSU Fresno with students and local volunteers, full sized Predator drone in yellow plastic. The names of civilian drone casualties were read aloud and written by volunteers upon this sculpture.

"Drone Strike Visualization", 2014-15. A collaborative project ,with Pete Froslie, to create a large-scale installation to map, via sculptural and electronic components, the history of ongoing US drone strikes in the North Waziristan region of Pakistan.

"dead-in-iraq", 2006-2011. Online memorial and protest in the America's Army shooting game.

"America's Army Action Figure" 2009.

"Lesson Learned", 2001. Started on September 12th, 2001, unfinished.

"Gulf War Memories", 1992. My first memorial, inspired by reading that during the Gulf War fast food sales skyrocketed as people rushed home from work to watch the war on TV.